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Adam to Alfred According to The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.jpg

Adam to Alfred the Great PDF.

The above chart gives the genealogy from Adam to Alfred the Great using the Angl-Saxon Chronicle as its source. The web page called Adam to Queen Elizabeth II will give more information. PDF of the chart included.

Alfred The Great to Charles III.  Slide 1.jpg

Alfred the Great to King Charles III PDF

Alfred the Great to Charles III. Slide 2.jpg

The above charts give the genealogy from Alfred the Great to King Charles III. The web page called Adam to Queen Elizabeth II will give more information. PDF of the chart included.

Adam to Brian Boru Overview. Part 1.jpg

Adam to Brian Boru Overview. PDF

Adam to Brian Boru Overview. Part 2.jpg

The above charts give an overview of the invasions of ireland after the flood. The final invasion was by the Milesians. These are the people from whom the kings of Ireland trace their descent. The web page Adam to Brian Boru. The Irish Kings gives more information. PDF of chart attached

Geoffrey Keating's Forus Feasa ar Erinn Part 1.jpg

Geoffrey Keating's Foras Feasa ar Éirinn. The History of Ireland. PDF

Geoffrey Keating's Forus Feasa ar Erinn Part 2.jpg
Geoffrey Keating's Forus Feasa ar Erinn Part 3.jpg

Geoffrey Keating's Foras Feasa ar Éirinn – literally 'Foundation of Knowledge on Ireland', but most often known in English as 'The History of Ireland is a narrative history of Ireland by Geoffrey Keating, written in Irish and completed c. 1634. It gives us the details of the Irish kings from Eber Finn and Érimón, the original Milesian kings. 

The web page Adam to Brian Boru. The Irish Kings gives more information. PDF of chart attached

Annals of Ulster (1) (1).jpg

The Annals of Ulster PDF

 The Annals of Ulster give us more information about the kings of Ireland. They take us up to Brian Boru (Brian Bóruma) the greatest of the kings of Ireland. In this list he is number 162. The Annals of Ulster (Irish: Annála Uladh) are annals of medieval Ireland. The entries span the years from 431 AD to 1540 AD. The entries up to 1489 AD were compiled in the late 15th century by the scribe Ruaidhrí Ó Luinín, under his patron Cathal Óg Mac Maghnusa, on the island of Senadh-Mic-Maghnusa, also known as Senad or Ballymacmanus Island (now known as Belle Isle, where Belle Isle Castle is located), near Lisbellaw, on Lough Erne in the kingdom of Fir Manach (Fermanagh). Later entries (up to AD 1540) were added by others.


The web page Adam to Brian Boru. The Irish Kings gives more information. PDF of chart attached




Adam to Fergus.jpg

Adam to Fergus. 1st King of Scotland. PDF

This chart gives an overview of how the gaelic Scots came to Scotland from Ireland. You can find mor information on the web page called Adam to James VI. The Scottish Kings.

Scottish Kings According to George Buchanan Part 1.jpg

The Scottish Kings According to George Buchanan. Rerum Scoticarum Historia. PDF

Scottish Kings According to George Buchanan Part 2.jpg

The Scottish Kings According to George Buchanan. Rerum Scoticarum Historia. The Scottish Renaissance humanist George Buchanan gave a long list of Scottish Kings in his history of Scotland—published in Latin as Rerum Scoticarum Historia in 1582. The list went back around 1900 years from his time, and began with Fergus I

You can find mor information on the web page called Adam to James VI. The Scottish Kings.

Historical Kings of Scotland Part 1.jpg

Historical Kings of Scotland. Kenneth Macalpin to James VI

Historical Kings of Scotland Part 2.jpg

The above chart gives the line of Scottish kings from Kenneth MacAlpin to James VI. These are historical kings rather tjhan legendary and they can be researched in any encyclopedia. 

You can find mor information on the web page called Adam to James VI. The Scottish Kings.


Nennius. Adam to Troas.jpg

Nennius. Adam to Troas

The above chart gives us a list of names from Adam to Troas. This is the beginning of the line of Welsh or British kings. Nennius – or Nemnius or Nemnivus – was a Welsh monk of the 9th century. He has traditionally been attributed with the authorship of the Historia Brittonum, based on the prologue affixed to that work.

You can find more information on the web page Adam to Arthur. The British Kings.


Kings of Britain According to geoffrey of Monmouth Part 1.jpg

The Kings of Britain According to Geoffrey of Monmouth

Kings of Britain According to geoffrey of Monmouth Part 2.jpg

The above chart is a list of kings of Britain according to Geoffrey of Monmouth. Geoffrey of Monmouth (Latin: Galfridus Monemutensis, Galfridus Arturus; Welsh: Gruffudd ap Arthur, Sieffre o Fynwy; c. 1095 – c. 1155) was a Catholic cleric from MonmouthWales, and one of the major figures in the development of British historiography and the popularity of tales of King Arthur. He is best known for his chronicle The History of the Kings of Britain (LatinDe gestis Britonum or Historia Regum Britanniae).

. You can find more information on the web page Adam to Arthur. The British Kings.

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